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Kevin Cari Isteri

26 Apr

PESONANYA ketika melakonkan watak seorang pengurus artis popular Eric ‘E’ Murphy dalam siri Entourage telah membuatkan ramai yang jatuh hati terhadap E. Kevin Connolly.

Eric, lelaki berusia 33 tahun, sangat cool dan begitu menjaga kawan baiknya, seorang pelakon popular lakonan Adrian Grenier.

Eric disifatkan sebagai seorang yang sedikit kaku oleh Kevin. Cuma itu kelainannya berada dalam karakter kedua-dua lelaki itu.

“Saya suka merasakan diri saya sebagai seorang yang lebih menyeronokkan dan senang didampingi.

“Saya membuat filem bebas dan mengarahnya, sama seperti Eric yang berfikiran bisnes dalam industri hiburan,” ujar Kevin yang kini boleh ditemui dalam siri Entourage yang disiarkan di saluran 411 Astro pada setiap hari Rabu pukul 10.30 malam.

Kevin merasakan drama itu yang kini memasuki musim kelima digemari ramai kerana elemen realisme yang ditonjolkan.

“Sesetengah orang seakan-akan tidak percaya bahawa kami (pelakon Entourage) akan menghabiskan masa bersama. Jadi mereka akan berasa masih menonton drama itu di luar kaca televisyen.

“Mereka terbawa-bawa akan siri tersebut,” ulasnya tentang siri yang mengetengahkan Mark Wahlberg sebagai penerbit eksklusif.

Kevin mula menjejakkan kaki ke dalam industri hiburan sejak usia enam tahun dengan muncul dalam iklan komersial, Chips Ahoy. Kini dia bukan sahaja pelakon bahkan pernah mengarahkan sebuah filem indipenden, Whatever We Do yang dipertontonkan semasa Anugerah Filem Sundance.

Filem itu dibarisi pelakon terkenal seperti Robert Downey Jr., Amanda Peet dan Tim Roth.

Muncul dalam He’s Just Not That Into You, filem itu memberi impak kepada kehidupan solonya. Sebelum ini Kevin pernah menjalinkan hubungan serius dengan beberapa selebriti seperti Nikki Cox, Nicky Hilton, Haylie Duff dan Julianne Hough.

Tidak hairanlah kerana dia memiliki wajah yang redup dan pernah dinobatkan sebagai Lelaki Solo Paling Panas pada tahun 2007.

“Saya mahu bertemu dengan seorang wanita dan kemudian menjadikan dia isteri dan kami mempunyai anak.

“Ibu saya sering bertanyakan hal itu. Saya baru saja membeli sebuah rumah. Saya perlukan seorang wanita yang berpotensi untuk pindah masuk ke rumah tersebut.”

Namun dia yang sedikit ortodoks dengan perhubungan merasakan teknologi tidak akan membantunya mendapat temu janji dengan mudah.

“Ramai orang kata saya akan bertemu ‘jodoh’ selepas saya mempunyai laman web sendiri. Tetapi saya belum bertemu sesiapa pun. Semuanya lebih sebagai kawan.”


Bale, Wahlberg Get In The Ring For 'Fighter' Movie

22 Apr

LOS ANGELES – Superstar actors Christian Bale and Mark Wahlberg are set to hit it off in a newly announced boxer flick, “The Fighter,” Hollywood media reported Tuesday.

“The Fighter” tells the gritty story of “Irish” Mickey Ward, to be played by Wahlberg, a boxer helped to the world lightweight championship by his half-brother Dicky Eklund, who had forfeited his sports career for drugs and crime.

Bale is set to play Elklund.

The movie, which will begin production in July, has stalled twice in the past as other big Hollywood names pulled out of the ring.

But industry magazine Variety said the Boston, Massachusetts-set hard scrabble fighting film is poised for the go-ahead with Bale and Wahlberg, a Boston native, onboard.

Welsh-born Bale, 35, the star of “The Dark Knight,” “American Psycho” and “Empire Of The Sun,” will be next seen in the much-anticipated summer movie “Terminator Salvation.”

In “The Fighter” he teams up again with Relativity, the production company that backed his cowboy action “3:10 to Yuma.”

Director David O. Russell worked with Wahlberg, 37, on the Gulf War heist flick “Three Kings.”

“The Fighter” marks Russell’s highest profile return to Hollywood since his infamous on-set meltdown when he directed the 2004 existential comedy “I Heart Huckabees.”

Russell’s explosive verbal fight with “Huckabees” actress Lily Tomlin has became an Internet sensation on YouTube. – AFP/sh

Channel News Asia

Kate Winslet Terkedu

13 Jan

Susunan Serimah Mohd Sallehuddin

Kate Winslet menjulang piala yang dimenanginya. – Foto AP

Kemenangan aktres Britain itu meneruskan kegemilangan filem dari negaranya ‘Slumdog Millioaire’ yang menyapu bersih empat kategori utama utama anugerah Golden Globe

ANUGERAH Golden Globe kali ke 66 yang berlangsung di Los Angeles semalam menjadi malam yang cukup bermakna buat aktres kelahiran British, Kate Winslet apabila dinobatkan Aktres Terbaik untuk lakonan mantapnya sebagai isteri yang tertindas dalam filem dramatik Revolutionary Road arahan suaminya Sam Mendes.

Kate, 34, kelihatan cukup terharu dan menangis selepas Cameron Diaz dan Mark Wahlberg mengumumkan namanya sebagai Aktres Terbaik. Dia mengetepikan empat aktres hebat lain iaitu Meryl Streep (Doubt), Anne Hathaway (Rachel Getting Married), Angelina Jolie (Changeling) dan Kristin Scott Thomas (I’ve Loved You So Long).

Sebelum itu, Kate membuka tirai penerima anugerah pertama malam itu apabila diumumkan Aktres Pembantu Terbaik bagi filem The Reader. Kategori ini turut mencalonkan empat aktres yang tidak kurang hebatnya iaitu Penelope Cruz (Vicky Cristina Barcelona), Marisa Tomei (The Wrestler) dan dua pelakon Doubt, Amy Adams dan Viola Davis.

Pelakon itu yang mula mencipta nama selepas lakonan berkesannya dalam filem cinta penuh tragik arahan James Cameron, Titanic bersama Leonardo DiCarpio, digandingkan sekali lagi dengan aktor itu dalam Revolutionary Road.

Kate pernah dicalonkan sebanyak lima kali dalam Golden Globe begitu juga untuk Anugerah Oscar tetapi nasib tidak pernah menyebelahinya.

berkongsi kegembiraan dengan Bruce Springsteen.

Ini menyebabkan aktres itu tidak meletakkan harapan besar untuk memenangi salah satu daripada dua anugerah yang dipertandingkan. Justeru, apabila namanya diumumkan malam itu, dia kelihatan cukup terharu.

“Maafkan saya. Saya mempunyai kecenderungan tidak memenangi sebarang anugerah sebelum ini,” katanya dengan nada terharu dan ucapan yang tersekat-sekat.

“Terima kasih sayang kerana mengarahkan filem ini dan terima kasih juga kerana ‘membunuh’ kami setiap hari dan kami sangat seronok dapat berlakon dalam filem mengerikan ini,” katanya merujuk kepada suaminya, Sam yang banyak memberikan tunjuk ajar dan peluang ketika bertindak sebagai pengarah filem Revolutionary Road.

Malah Kate turut memuji DiCaprio yang bergandingan dengannya dalam filem itu.

PENERIMA Anugerah Pencapaian Sepanjang Hayat Cecil B Demille, Steven Spielberg (kiri) bersama martin Scorsese.

“Saya mencintai awak selama 13 tahun dan persembahan awak dalam filem ini memang mengagumkan,” katanya lagi.

Mickey Rourke ketepikan Brad Pitt

Sementara itu, filem British, Slumdog Millionaire arahan Danny Boyle menyapu bersih empat kategori iaitu Filem Terbaik, Pengarah Terbaik, Lakon Layar Terbaik dan Skor Muzik Terbaik. Ada pihak yang menjangkakan Slumdog Millionaire akan meraih Filem Terbaik tetapi sesetengah pula berpendapat tiga filem iaitu The Curios Case Of Benjamin Button yang menyandarkan nama pelakon hebat, Tom Cruise serta filem Doubt dan Frost/Nixon disebut-sebut bakal menang besar kerana dicalonkan dalam lima kategori.

Bagaimanapun ketiga-tiga filem itu tidak meraih sebarang anugerah. Sebaliknya Slumdog Millionaire yang menyandarkan pelakon tidak popular termasuk bintang Bollywood, Anil Kapoor menyerlah pada malam itu.

Filem itu mengisahkan mengenai seorang budak lelaki yatim piatu di Mumbai yang membesar dengan penuh kepayahan. Hidupnya berubah apabila dia memenangi ‘gameshow’ Who Wants To Be A Millionaire versi India.

“Kami tidak pernah menyangka akan berada di sini, di Amerika. Ini adalah hari yang cukup menakjubkan bagi kami kerana berada di sini,” kata Simon Beaufoy, penulis skrip Slumdog Millionaire yang diadaptasi dari novel Vikas Swarup, Q&A.

Slumdog Millionaire adalah filem pertama arahan Boyle yang menerima anugerah serta kemenangan besar. Boyle pernah mengarahkan filem Trainspotting, The Beach dan 28 Days Later.

Jika Kate diangkat sebagai Aktres Terbaik, Mickey Rourke, 52, pula mengalahkan Leonardo DiCaprio, Sean Penn, Brad Pitt dan Frak Langella apabila diangkat sebagai Aktor Terbaik

Kemenangan mendiang Heath Ledger untuk kategori Pelakon Pembantu Terbaik pula sememangnya sudah dijangkakan. Aktor kelahiran Australia itu memenangi trofi Golden Globe buat kali pertamanya berikutan lakonan mantapnya sebagai The Joker dalam filem Batman: The Dark Night. Anugerah berkenaan diterima oleh pengarahnya bagi pihak mendiang, Christopher Nolan.

“Kami menerima anugerah ini bagi pihak Heath yang tidak dapat bersama-sama kita pada hari ini dengan perasaan bercampur baur. Sedih tetapi pada waktu yang sama kami juga amat bangga.

“Kami berasa sangat bertuah kerana dapat bekerja dengannya. Malah kami juga sangat seronok dengan persembahannya dalam filem ini. Dia akan sentiasa dirindui tetapi kami tidak sesekali akan melupakannya,” kata Nolan.

Ledger yang meninggal dunia hampir setahun lalu akibat pengambilan dadah berlebihan adalah pelakon kedua yang memenangi anugerah selepas kematiannya. Sebelum ini Peter Finch pernah menerima Anugerah Pelakon Terbaik untuk filem Network pada 1976.

Bagi kategori televisyen pula, drama bersiri komedi, 30 Rock yang dibintangi Tina Fey dan Alec Baldwin dipilih sebagai Drama Komedi Bersiri Terbaik. Manakala Mad Men memenangi kategori Drama Bersiri Terbaik.

Pemenang pada Anugerah Golden Globe dijangka akan mengulangi kemenangan mereka pada acara Anugerah Oscar yang bakal berlangsung pada 22 Februari depan.

INFO: Filem

Filem Terbaik (Drama): Slumdog Millionaire

Aktres Terbaik (Drama): Kate Winslet – Revolutionary Road

Aktor Terbaik (Drama): Mickey Rourke – The Wrestler

Filem Terbaik (Muzikal/Komedi): Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Aktres Terbaik (Muzikal/Komedi): Sally Hawkins – Happy-Go-Lucky

Aktor Terbaik (Muzikal/Komedi): Collin Farrel – In Bruges

Aktres Pembantu Terbaik: Kate Winslet- The Reader

Aktor Pembantu Terbaik: Heath Ledger – The Dark Knight

Filem Animasi Terbaik: Walle E

Filem Asing Terbaik: Waltz With Bashir – Israel

Pengarah Terbaik: Danny Boyle – Slumdog Millionaire

Lakon Layar Terbaik: Simon Beaufoy – Slumdog Millionaire

Skor Muzik Terbaik: A R Rahman – Slumdog Millionaire

Lagu Terbaik: The Wrestler

INFO: Penerbitan Televisyen

Drama Bersiri Terbaik (Drama): Mad Men

* Aktres Terbaik (Drama): Anna Paquin – Ture Blood

Aktor Terbaik (Drama): Gabriel Byrne – In Treatment

Siri Televisyen Terbaik (Muzikal/ Komedi): 30 Rock

Aktres Terbaik (Muzikal/Komedi): Laura Linney – John Adams

Aktor Terbaik (Muzikal/Komedi): Pual Giammatti – John Adams

Mini Siri/Cereka Televisyen Terbaik: John Adams

Aktres Terbaik (Mini Siri/Cereka Televisyen): Anna Paquin – True Blood

Aktor Terbaik (Mini Siri/Cereka Televisyen): Gabriel Byrne – In Treatment

Aktres Pembantu Terbaik (Mini Siri/ Cereka Televisyen): Larua Dern – Recount

Aktor Pembantu Terbaik (Mini Siri/Cereka Televisyen): Tom Wilkinson – John Adams

Anugerah Khas Cecil B DeMille: Steven Spielberg

Berita Harian

Quick Draw DeGraw

22 Sep

American singer/songwriter Gavin DeGraw gives the lowdown on his newfound success and his latest album. HIROMI INOMATA writes.

FIVE years after his debut album Chariot, which spawned hits including the shout-out-loud I Don’t Wanna Be (the theme song for One Tree Hill TV series), 31-year-old American singer/songwriter Gavin DeGraw finally released his eponymous album.

It peaked at No. 7 on the Billboard Hot 200 Album chart, and No. 1 on Digital Sales chart shortly after its release, with the first single In Love With A Girl, a monster hit. The latest single, Cheated on Me is currently riding the airwaves.

Discovered by legendary producer Clive Davis – the man who gave us Whitney Houston and Alicia Keys, while performing at a lounge in Manhattan, DeGraw was in Tokyo to promote the album release recently, where he gave an intimate showcase at a nightclub.

Here is a question-and-answer session with the singer.

Question: How have you been since the release of your last album?

Answer: Well, I spent about 3´ years touring, and came off road in the middle of 2006. I stayed on the road so long because I didn’t have a major success until about the middle of 2005 (with the first album). So when it really caught on, I decided to hit it hard while people were interested. After coming off road, I continued writing, going in and out of the studios, looking for the sound, hanging out with different producers, to try and get it all together. It’s a big industry, and there were couple of booby traps along the way, but that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing.

Q: Do you think the success of your previous album changed you both musically and personally?

A: I don’t know if the success changed my life, but I think the commitment to try to achieve success did. What I mean is that after I made my first record, my life hadn’t quite changed yet. It changed when I took my music gear and suitcase and threw it in the back of my van and decided to do my first tour. From that point on, I completely altered my life-style. I was on a career path to pursue music and to pursue some level of commercial success in music. It wasn’t until I committed to the lifestyle of living on the road to attain that success, did my life changes.

Q: How has it changed?

A: Well, I live from city to city now, and it’s been that way ever since I packed my first suitcase. For the most part I’ve been enjoying it. I didn’t have an opportunity to travel when I was a child because we didn’t have the money. So I didn’t have the opportunity to see the world, so now that I do, I have an appreciation for it. Now I may be overdoing it because it’s like I’m on a vacation everyday! I travel to different city everyday with my camera, taking pictures.

Q: What was the reason you chose In Love With A Girl to be your first single?

A: I just felt it was a good representation of what was my initial success, which was the song I Don’t Want To Be. I felt that if people heard this new song, it would remind the listener of the first song. They’ll go “hey, is this the same guy who did I Don’t Want To Be?” I was hoping to give some sense of familiarity, rather than shock value. I just wanted to give a slight shift. The next song can be totally different, but for the first song, I just wanted to remind people of a similar sound.

Q: Can you define the girl in this song? Have you met her?

A: Have I met her? Probably… I don’t know. The song conceptually is about what a person needs. And what you need, I think, is someone who cares about you enough to love you through all of your faults. Even though they might be trying to change some of the things to suit them better, they are also willing to adapt and help you through your own issues. That’s really the idea of the tune, having someone who loves you enough that they even will put up with the things that aren’t loveable.

Q: How about the song Cheated On Me? How personal is this?

A: I think that a lot of people can identify with that feeling. There can be so many little angles about that sort of feeling, and I don’t know anybody who’s never been jealous. I don’t think it’s possible, do you? I think that the DNA says you are supposed to be competitive about your affections. I don’t think it’s too honest to say that you are jealous, and I think this song is an important piece of the personality puzzle of an artiste. I think that the celebrity world is a tabloid world, and the audiences want to know the personal lives of the people they are paying attention to. So I may as well let them know of my personal life. “I’m jealous!”

Q: You had a cameo on One Tree Hill and What I Like About You. Have you ever thought of branching into acting career?

A: I don’t think my performance was good enough to go get an acting agent! I’ve thought about doing some acting work, I’d love to write a couple of films because I’ve some story-lines that I’ve written, and I think they are killer concepts. But I don’t know if I have the time to do that right now. I’d like to do more of it if it was possible and I don’t know how well that would go. I really want to play the bad guy! I really admire Jack Nicholson (characters) type of stuff. The likable, but negative too, and he’s so good with that. But my favourite actor is Gary Oldman, he’s the best. He plays the pimp in the movie True Romance, he’s got dreads and if you watch it you are not going to believe who he is after you have seen him in some other movie. I also want to do a movie with Mark Wahlberg. He makes great movies. But my favourite movie of all time is called Tombstone because it’s western, and I love cowboy movies. In cowboy movies, the good guys get to be very macho and that’s very cool!

Q: How familiar are you with the Southeast Asian (Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia) culture?

A: Not very, but I think I like your food. I’m going to have to read a book to find out more about your culture.

Q: I guess you are going to have to come visit and find out.

A: I’d love to because I’ve never been there. I’m going to come back here (Tokyo) hopefully for a world tour. So I’d like to stop by at other Asian countries. I just had a discussion with one of my representatives and she said that I should definitely go to that region of the world. – Courtesy of Sony/BMG Music

New Straits Times

Movie Mania

15 May

Hancock's not your average hero.
Hancock’s not your average hero.

It’s going to be one happening season for movie-goers, as filmmakers roll out the best of flicks and after an 18-year wait, the sequel to Indiana Jones, among others. SHUIB TAIB tells us about the upcoming releases.

THE celluloid industry here is brewing loads of exciting blockbusters.

The curtain-raiser was the fast-paced Speed Racer, the first outing helmed by the talented Wachowski brothers after the phenomenal success of the Matrix trilogy. The action movie opened on May 8.

Inspired from the ’60s popular Japanese cartoon series, Speed Racer starred Emile Hirsch, John Goodman, Susan Sarandon and Christina Ricci.

The excitement continues with the children fantasy adventure – The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian – which opened yesterday followed by Indiana Jones And The Kingdom of Skull which opens on May 22.

Fans waited 18 years for the return of adventurer Indiana Jones, famously portrayed by Harrison Ford. Set during the Cold War, this latest instalment is the fourth sequel. Joining Ford is Oscar-winning actress Cate Blanchett and Ray Winstone and Shia LaBeouf.

So, get your popcorn combo ready for you’re in for an enjoyable at the cinemas.

Below are the gist of what’s coming your way:

1 Superhero Movie (opens May 29)

Cast: Drake Bell, Leslie Nielsen, Tracy Morgan, Pamela Anderson, Regina Hall
Director: David Zucker

Synopsis: How many superheroes does it take to save the world? The creators of The Naked Gun and Scary Movie answer this question in hysterical “David Zucker” fashion. Meet Rick Riker. He’s young, cool and has superpowers which he does not know how to use.

2 Prom Night (June 5)

Cast: Brittany Snow, Scott Porter, Jessica Stroup, Dana Davis
Director: Nelson McCormick

Synopsis: Donna’s senior prom is supposed to be the best night of her life. After surviving a horrible tragedy, she has finally moved on and is enjoying her last year of high school. Surrounded by her best friends, she should be safe from the horrors of her past. But when the night turns deadly, there is only one person who could be responsible, a man she thought was gone forever. Now, Donna and her friends must find a way to escape the sadistic rampage of an obsessed killer.

3 The Happening (June 12)

Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Zooey Deschanel, John Leguizamo, Betty Buckley
Director: M. Night Shyamalan

A couple goes on the run from an apocalyptic crisis that presents a large-scale threat to humanity.

4 Made of Honor (June 19)

Cast: Patrick Dempsey, Michelle Monaghan
Director: Paul Weiland

Synopsis: For Tom (Patrick Dempsey), life is good. He’s sexy, successful, always lucky with the ladies and knows he can always rely on Hannah (Michelle Monaghan), his delightful best friend and the one constant in his life. It’s the perfect set up until Hannah goes to Scotland on a six-week business trip and Tom realises how empty his life is without her. He plans to ask Hannah to marry him but is floored when he learns that she is engaged to a handsome and wealthy Scotsman. When Hannah asks Tom to be her “maid of honour”, he agrees just so he can woo Hannah and stop the wedding.

5 Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

Cast: Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett, Karen Allen, Shia LeBeouf, Ray Winston
Director: Steven Spielberg

Synopsis: Set in 1957, this fourth film in the Indiana Jones series pits an older and wiser Indiana Jones against agents of the Soviet Union, led by Spalko, for a crystal skull. Indy is aided by his former lover Marion Ravenwood, the greaser Mutt Williams and fellow archaeologist Mac. Indy’s journey takes him across New Mexico, Connecticut, Mexico City, and the jungles of Peru.

6 Get Smart (June 19)

Cast: Steve Carell, Alan Arkin, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Anne Hathaway, Terence Stamp
Director: Peter Segal

In the all-new action comedy Get Smart, Maxwell Smart (Carell) is on a mission to thwart the latest plot for world domination by the evil crime syndicate known as KAOS. When the headquarters of US spy agency Control, is attacked and the identities of its agents compromised, the Chief (Arkin) has no choice but to promote his ever-eager analyst Maxwell Smart, who has always dreamt of working in the field alongside stalwart superstar, Agent 23 (“The Rock”). Smart is partnered instead with the only other agent whose identity has not been compromised: the lovely-but-lethal veteran, Agent 99 (Hathaway).

As Smart and 99 get closer to unravelling KAOS’ master plan, they discover that key KAOS operative, Siegfried (Stamp), and his sidekick Shtarker (Kenneth Davition) are scheming to cash in with their network of terror. Given little field experience and even less time, Smart armed with nothing but a few spy-tech gadgets and his unbridled enthusiasm must defeat KAOS if he is to save the day.

6 Hancock (July 3)

Cast: Will Smith, Charlize Theron, Jason Bateman
Director: Peter Bergman (The Kingdom)

Synopsis: There are heroes, superheroes and then there’s Hancock (Smith). With great power comes great responsibility. Everyone knows that but Hancock. Edgy, conflicted, sarcastic and misunderstood, Hancock’s well-intentioned heroics might get the job done and save countless lives, but always seem to leave jaw-dropping damage in their wake. The public has finally had enough. As grateful as they are to have their local hero, the good citizens of Los Angeles are wondering what they ever did to deserve this guy. Hancock isn’t the kind of man who cares what other people think until the day he saves the life of PR executive Ray Embrey (Bateman) and the sardonic superhero begins to realise that he may have a vulnerable side after all. Facing that will be Hancock’s greatest challenge yet and a task that may prove impossible as Ray’s wife, Mary (Theron), insists that he’s a lost cause.

7 The Dark Knight (July 17)

Cast: Christian Bale, Heath Ledger
Director: Christopher Nolan

The follow-up to the action hit Batman Begins, The Dark Knight reunites director Christopher Nolan and star Christian Bale, who reprises the role of Batman/Bruce Wayne. In the new film, Batman raises the stakes in his war on crime. With the help of Lieutenant Jim Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman sets out to dismantle the remaining criminal organisations that plague the city streets. The partnership proves to be effective, but can they stop the criminal mastermind known to the terrified citizens of Gotham as the Joker?

8 21 (July 31)

Cast: Jim Sturgess, Kevin Spacey, Laurence Fishburne, Kate Bosworth
Director: Robert Luketic

Synopsis: An MIT math whiz is recruited by a teacher to join a specialised team, the Blackjack Team, of card counters. They break away from their mentor before casino security finally catches up with them.

Based on the best-selling book by Ben Mezrich Bringing Down the House: The Inside Story of Six MIT Students Who Took The Vegas for Millions.

9 You Don’t Mess with the Zohan (Aug 14)

Cast: Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider
Director: Dennis Dugan

Synopsis: A comedy from screenwriters Adam Sandler, Robert Smigel (Triumph the Insult Comic Dog), and Judd Apatow (Knocked Up), Sandler stars as Zohan, an Israeli commando who fakes his own death in order to pursue his dream to become a hairstylist in New York.

10 The X-Files: I Want To Believe (July 31)

Cast: David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson
Director: Chris Carter

In grand “X-Files” manner, the as yet untitled film’s storyline is being kept under wraps. This much can be revealed: It’s a stand-alone story in the tradition of some of the show’s most acclaimed and beloved episodes, and takes the complicated relationship between Fox Mulder (Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Anderson) in unexpected directions. Mulder continues his unshakable quest for the truth and Scully, the passionate, ferociously intelligent physician, remains inextricably tied to Mulder’s pursuits.

11 Mirrors (Aug 14)

Cast: Kiefer Sutherland, Paula Patton
Director: Alexandre Aja

An ex-cop turned night security guard at a long-closed department store ravaged by fire, discovers that the store’s mirrors harbour a horrific secret that threatens him and his family.

12 Meet Dave (Aug 21)

Cast: Eddie Murphy, Ed Helms, Gabrielle Union, Judah Friedlander, Pat Kilbane, Kevin Hart, Jane Bradbury, Elizabeth Banks, Marc Blucas, Scott Caan, Mike O’Malley, Brian Huskey, Jim Turner, Paul Scheer, Adam Tomei
Director: Brian Robbins

Looking for ways to save their doomed world, a crew of tiny, human-looking aliens arrives on earth in the perfect disguise – a spaceship shaped like an ordinary man (Murphy, the ship’s Captain). The “spaceship”, with each miniature
alien responsible for operating a particular part of the body, embarks on an adventure in Manhattan where it meets a family who teaches the acerbic and non-emotional aliens to find their humanity.


New Straits Times

Linda Onn Jadi Pengacara Live From The Red Carpet

21 Feb


KUALA LUMPUR 20 Feb. – Juruhebah Radio Era, Linda Onn dipilih mengendalikan program Live From The Red Carpet sempena Anugerah Academy ke-79 di Los Angeles, Amerika Syarikat (AS) pada 26 Februari ini.

Menerusi program terbitan saluran TV Star Movies itu, Linda akan berganding dengan pengacara program Channel V, Dominic Lau yang berpangkalan di Hong Kong bagi menemubual pelakon-pelakon filem terkemuka Hollywood.

Pengacara berasal dari Johor Bahru itu berkata, beliau tidak sabar untuk menemuramah selebriti terkenal antaranya Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Jennifer Hudson, Eddie Murphy, Mark Wahlberg dan Djimon Hounsou.

‘‘Saya gementar, takut dan seronok apabila dipilih sebagai pengacara program ini. Terima kasih kepada Star Movies kerana memberi kepercayaan kepada saya.

‘‘Ini kali pertama saya berkunjung ke AS dan menemubual para pelakon popular di laluan karpet merah,’’ katanya selepas sidang akhbar pengumuman pemilihannya itu di sini hari ini.

Beliau adalah pengacara tempatan kedua diberi peluang mengendalikan program berprestij itu selepas Maya Karin yang muncul bersama pengacara dari Hong Kong, Terrance Yin tahun lalu.

Linda dan Dominic atau lebih dikenali sebagai VJ Dom akan muncul mengendalikan segmen itu yang bakal disiarkan menerusi saluran Astro Star Movies pada 26 Februari ini, pukul 8 malam.

Sementara itu, Naib Presiden Bersekutu Star Regional (Asia Tenggara) Sdn. Bhd., Nini Yusof berkata, pemilihan Linda berdasarkan bakat, kemampuan dan pencapaian cemerlang penyampai radio tersebut.

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Intisari Rancangan 8 TV

15 Feb

Ahad 15 Februari 2004


9.00 Jukebox

10.00 Creativo

10.30 Shop The World

11.00 House Wars

12.00 The Best of… Gilmore Girls


1.00 Its Good To Be… Will and Jada

1.30 Extreme Close-Ups – Mark Wahlberg

2.00 Music Specials – Gareth Gates TV Special

3.00 Each Other

4.00 I, Detective

4.30 Happy Sunday

6.00 Japanese Serial – My Husband


7.00 A Date With Lu Yu

7.30 8 Chart Show

8.00 Eight Corners

8.30 Guess Guess Guess

10.30 The 8TV Quickie

10.45 America’s Next Top Models

11.45 The 8TV Quickie

12.00 The Family

1.00 Jukebox

2.00 Penutup

Utusan Malaysia