Archive | June, 2009

22-Jun-2009 | Oleh: Ellyna Ali Kenduri Adlin Penuh Sesak, Meriah!

22 Jun

Teks oleh Ellyna Ali
Gambar Bonie Sharif

KUALA LUMPUR, 22 JUN 2009:  Bukan majlis perkahwinan Ziana Zain, Erra Fazira, Datuk Siti Nurhaliza dan Mawi saja yang mampu mencipta sejarah dari segi kehadiran peminat tetapi hal yang sama turut berlaku pada majlis kenduri  perkahwinan Adlin Aman Ramlie dan Emilda Rosmila di Kg Bukit Cherakah, Klang, semalam.

Lebih 5,000 tetamu dan peminat telah membanjiri majlis kenduri perkahwinan mereka yang berkonsepkan ala Jawa itu  yang berlangsung di rumah Mak Mah atau Ruminah Sidek sehingga ia menjadi cukup sesak dan meriah.

Kemeriahan majlis itu sudah mula dirasai sejak menghampiri kawasan rumah mempelai lagi apabila melihat begitu banyak deretan kereta berbaris di bahu jalan raya malah bas pelancong pun kelihatan ada.

Di bawah khemah pula, ramai berebut-rebut untuk bergambar dengan pengantin terutama apabila pengantin hendak menyempurnakan upacara makan beradab.

Tidak kurang juga yang ghairah bergambar di pelamin sampai terlupakan anak kecil mereka. Yang hendak menyanyi  karaoke pun ada yang sampai merajuk apabila giliran tidak sampai. Bagi yang hendak menjamu selera, pelbagai juadah tersaji seperti nasi, lauk-pauk, soto ayam, mi goreng, bubur dan sebagainya.

Pendek kata, suasana di majlis kenduri kahwin itu sudah jadi macam sebuah karnival pula. Menariknya, bukan saja Adlin dan Emilda saja yang dikerumuni tetamu, malah peminat Mak Mah pun sungguh ramai!

Rakan artis yang datang termasuklah Pengetua AF7,  Datin Seri Tiara Jacquelina dan suaminya, Datuk Seri Effendi Norwawi, AC Mizal , Emylia Rosnaida, Azean Irdawaty, Rosnah Johari, Roslan Aziz dan isteri, A R Badul, Raja Azmi Raja Sulaiman, Maimon Talib, Kisma dan Mak Jah dan Aqasha yang menjadi pengiring Adlin. 

Mak Mah yang sempat ditemui bersyukur apabila majlis itu dapat dilangsungkan dengan selamat dan sempurna.

“Mak selalu berdoa biarlah Tuhan memberikan keberkatan kepada majlis ini dengan cuaca yang elok. Tak hujan dan tidak pula begitu panas. Alhamdulillah, semuanya berjalan seperti apa yang dirancang. Mak sendiri pun tidak jangka begitu ramainya orang yang datang. Tapi, sudah jadi tradisi di sini, kalau ada saja kenduri-kendara, kita haruslah jemput seluruh kampung yang ada di sekitar Meru ini.

“Mak tak tahu berapa banyak kampung yang ada. Ada juga datang dari tempat-tempat yang lain. Sebenarnya Mak terharu sangat bila menerima kedatangan mereka terutama orang di kampung Meru sendiri. Sebab mereka selalu jemput Mak datang untuk kenduri-kendara mereka tapi banyak Mak pula kadang-kadang tak dapat pergi sebab terikat dengan shooting. Tapi, Mak akan cuba juga lakukan sesuatu dengan menghantar kiriman buat mereka.

“Mungkin itulah yang menyebabkan mereka sentiasa ingat dengan Mak,” katanya sambil menitiskan air mata.

Mak Mah bagaimanapun enggan memberitahu berapakah kos majlis kenduri kahwin tersebut atau berapa banyak makanan yang disediakan untuk tetamunya.

“Apa yang  boleh katakan, Mak hanya berdoa supaya Tuhan tambahkan dan lebihkan apa yang kurang supaya semuanya berjalan dengan lancar,” katanya.

Mak Mah tidak nafikan status duda Adlin

Mengenai situasi dan keadaan menantunya Emilda yang masih lagi kurang sihat selepas dimasukkan ke hospital baru-baru ini akibat sedikit pendarahan, Mak Mah berkata, dia sebenarnya risau apabila memikirkan tentang perkara itu.

“Tapi hendak buat macamana sebab segala perancangan kenduri sudah pun dilakukan. Lagipun, mereka sendiri yang bersetuju untuk meneruskannya,” kata Mak Mah.

Tentang status Adlin sebagai duda anak satu, Mak Mah berkata, dia tidak nafikan bahawa satu masa dulu Adlin pernah mendirikan rumahtangga.

“Tapi kalau boleh Mak tak mahu mengulas panjang tentang perkara ini. Sebab ia satu cerita yang dah terlalu lama. Waktu ia berlaku pun Adlin masih terlalu muda. Mak dan keluarga pun tak sempat dan bermesra dengan bekas isterinya itu. “Lagipun, Mak ni seorang yang suka nak jaga hati semua orang. Mak tak mahu nanti disebabkan cerita-cerita seperti ini, ada banyak hati yang terguris pula. Nanti, ia jadi perkara yang tidak enak,” katanya.

Walaupun majlis kenduri kahwin anaknya Adlin dan Emilda dilangsung di banglonya itu Mak Mah mengakui dia lebih senang tinggal di rumah kampungnya yang terletak tidak jauh dari kawasan itu.

“Mak lebih selesa tinggal di rumah kampung. Senang bagi Mak nak ke mana-mana. Yang ini adalah rumah persinggahan untuk Mak berkumpul bersama anak-anak dan rumah ini pun dibina di atas tanah Mak sendiri,” katanya.


Fizo, Quaira Mudah Serasi

21 Jun

Oleh Zubir Mohd Yunus

Tampan, jelita pakej bonus bagi dua pelakon baru untuk meniti dunia lakonan, selebriti

DUA bintang remaja, Fizo Omar dan Tunku Tiara atau Quiara masih mentah di pentas hiburan, namun hari demi hari mereka semakin rancak menempa nama dan populariti sehinggalah mendapat perhatian peminat dan media massa. Bersama pakej bonus yang dimiliki kedua-duanya – tampan dan jelita, disertai bakat yang digilap tanpa rasa jemu, merendah diri, membuatkan mereka mudah didekati sesiapa saja.

Fizo dan Quiara dilahirkan daripada latar keluarga berbeza, si teruna anak orang kebanyakan, si dara pula kerabat diraja Johor, namun sebaik saja menjejakkan kaki di laman seni, tiada jurang yang mampu memisahkan mereka. Pertama kali mereka digandingkan sebagai pasangan kekasih menerusi telemovie Keliru.

Terbaru, pasangan ‘merpati dua sejoli’ ini menjadi perhatian penerbit, Sahid Juri membintangi drama bersiri 20 episod, Cinta Sempurna terbitan sulung Cerna Media Sdn Bhd. Drama arahan Saipul Bahri Othman ini akan disiarkan pada Ramadan akan datang menerusi Astro Oasis. Namun, mereka bukan lagi sebagai pasangan kekasih, sebaliknya adik beradik. Pun begitu, keserasian memang wujud antara mereka.

Tunku Tiara

Buktinya, mereka beraksi di depan lensa kamera umpama pasangan bercinta apabila pertama kali diberi peluang menghiasi muka depan B*Pop. Tidak dinafikan, 15 minit pertama kedua-duanya kelihatan agak malu-malu ditambah dengan ‘pemantauan’ daripada ibu Quiara yang sentiasa berada di belakang tabir, namun memasuki minit yang seterusnya, Fizo dan Quiara sudah memperoleh ‘rentak’ dan hasilnya, lihatlah sendiri!

Yang pasti, andai kedua-duanya sudah berpunya, barangkali kalau silap jangkaan, mahu saja hubungan mereka dengan pasangan masing-masing berantakan gara-gara cemburu jika alasan yang diberikan tidak diterima akal! Namun, atas dasar kerja dan profesional, selain tuntutan fotografi yang ingin melihat kemesraan kedua-duanya, Fizo dan Quiara ‘rela manja’ membiarkan apa saja perasaan yang tersimpul di dalam hati berlalu pergi.

Fizo sendiri sebenarnya sudah lali dengan gosip cinta apabila dia sering menjadi ‘mangsa’. Pernah dikaitkan dengan beberapa artis wanita, tapi tiada kesudahan dan akhirnya senyap begitu saja. Bagi Fizo, mereka sekadar kenalan biasa, namun gosip tercetus gara-gara tafsiran yang kurang tepat. Kini, Fizo tetap berkawan dengan mereka meskipun tidak membabitkan sebarang perasaan.

Terbaru, khabarnya Fizo putus cinta dengan gadis biasa berusia 21 tahun yang berasal dari utara tanah air, benarkah begitu?

“Kami tak sempat bercinta pun. Baru nak kenal-kenal, tak boleh serius. Akhirnya kami lebih selesa sebagai kawan biasa saja,” kata Fizo sebaik memulakan bicaranya.

Secara jujur, status Fizo ketika ini?

Fizo Omar

“Sebetulnya saya tidak ada komitmen dengan sesiapa pun, solo! Saya tak mahu terburu-buru mencari teman hidup. Namanya pun teman hidup, pastinya saya mahukan yang terbaik kerana kalau diizinkan, kita nak hidup selama-lamanya dengan dia. Lagipun kesibukan membina kerjaya juga antara halangan saya mencari yang benar-benar terbaik.

“Namun, sekiranya dalam kesibukan itu cinta tiba-tiba datang, saya tak mampu menolaknya. Sebagai makhluk ciptaan Tuhan, saya juga memerlukan cinta,” katanya yang sudah membintangi lebih 10 drama, tapi mengakui dirinya tidak pernah terjerat dengan cinta lokasi sesama rakan artis.

Fizo puji kecantikan Quaira

Bagaimana dengan Quiara, kali pertama berlakon dengannya sebagai pasangan kekasih, kini membawa watak adik beradik dan hari ini pula anda berdua dipertemukan kali pertama untuk sesi fotografi, tidakkah wujud sebarang perasaan terhadapnya?

“Quiara? Tipulah kalau seorang lelaki seperti saya memandangnya, tak suka! Dia memang cantik, penampilannya ada daya tarikan tersendiri. Pun begitu, cantik, comel, faktor itu sebenarnya sesuatu yang subjektif. Namun, saya senang berada di sisinya kerana dia seorang yang low profile, tak pernah sekalipun berlagak sombong walaupun kita semua sedia maklum, Quiara berstatus kerabat!

“Dia juga banyak membantu di lokasi terutama dalam Cinta Sempurna. Quiara begitu fasih berbahasa Inggeris. Menerusi drama ini, kami adik beradik baru pulang ke Malaysia selepas 12 tahun menetap di United Kingdom (UK), justeru kelebihannya menguasai bahasa berkenaan, menghidupkan lagi karektor kami. Dia juga mudah mesra, itu yang membuatkan kami ada keserasian di lokasi,” kata Fizo sambil diusik Quiara untuk menghilangkan rasa gemuruh sebaik tangannya disentuh gadis cantik itu!

Melambung pujian Fizo ke atas Quiara memperlihatkan dia benar-benar menyenangi sikap anak saudara kepada penyanyi terkenal, Syafinaz Selamat itu, justeru adakah sudah berbisik sesuatu di hatinya, mungkin berminat mendekati Quiara secara lebih peribadi, sekali gus kalian bercinta suatu hari nanti!

“Aduh, tolonglah saya tak pernah terfikir sampai ke tahap itu! Namun, saya tak berani cakap takbur. Andai jodoh menemukan kami, saya tak mampu melawan kehendak qada dan qadar. Tapi, rasanya tak mungkin terjadi pada diri kami!,” kata Fizo dengan wajah kemerahan melawan malu!

Pernah bercinta ketika usia 17 tahun

Sementara itu, Quiara lebih bersikap terbuka berbicara soal teman lelaki dan cinta sekalipun ibu sentiasa menemaninya sepanjang temu bual. Di awal perbualan kami, terdetik di hati penulis, kerabat seperti Quiara pastinya akan memilih teman lelaki atau calon suami di kalangan kerabat juga, namun ternyata sangkaan itu meleset sama sekali!

“Ramai lelaki yang ingin mendekati atau berkawan dengan saya mempunyai perasaan ‘takut’ semata-mata saya seorang kerabat. Bagi saya, dalam persahabatan tidak ada beza sama ada orang kebanyakan mahupun kerabat. Kalau ada yang berminat dengan saya, paling penting dia kena pandai menambat hati keluarga saya dulu. Lagi saya suka lelaki itu sekiranya dia pandai mengambil hati keluarga kedua-dua belah pihak,” katanya yang tidak lokek dengan senyuman.

Agak mengejutkan apabila Quiara mengakui, dalam meniti usia 22 tahun, dia masih belum punya teman istimewa atau sekadar berselindung perkara sebenar?

“Saya baru nak kenal-kenal lelaki ketika usia mencecah 17 tahun. Bagi saya, bercinta pada usia terlalu muda, sekadar membuang masa saja. Apabila mendengar cerita teman sebaya yang bercinta pada usia awal remaja, leceh betul apabila perlu luangkan masa untuk keluar dating! Terus-terang, saya tak pernah kenal cinta pertama, hanya kawan-kawan macam tu saja. Sekarang saya solo, tidak mencari cinta, kalau cinta datang, temui keluarga saya dulu!,” katanya berterus terang.

‘Ibu tak pernah kongkong’

Mengenai kerjaya seni, sejak zaman persekolahan lagi Quiara sememangnya meminati dunia nyanyian dan tidak hairanlah dia berjaya menempatkan diri sebagai Top 10, One In A Million musim kedua (OIAM2). Pun begitu, ketika dalam perancangan menghasilkan album, cita-citanya bergelar penyanyi sering tergendala kerana tawaran berlakon tidak pernah putus.

“Tak mengapalah, saya pun tak terburu-buru untuk album ini. Namun, keputusan untuk serius berlakon, berbaloi kerana hari demi hari saya semakin teruja, produser dan pengarah terus memberi kepercayaan, namun bidang nyanyian, tak mungkin saya melupakannya begitu saja,” kata Quiara yang sentiasa ditemani ibu ke mana saja sehingga timbul dakwaan dia ‘kehilangan’ kehidupan sosial zaman remaja.

Namun, Quiara tidak pernah menganggap ibu mengongkong kehidupan peribadinya.

“Mama cool, dia tak pernah nak control. Saya juga seperti remaja lain, ada ketikanya saya bersosial bersama teman-teman, namun mama sering mengingatkan saya batasannya. Tapi, apabila tiba waktu kerja, mama mesti ada di sisi saya kerana dia tahu yang terbaik untuk anaknya!,” katanya lagi. Selain Fizo dan Quiara, turut membintangi Cinta Sempurna ialah Ashraf Muslim, Siti Fazurina, Mahmud Ali Basha, Maria Farida, Akhbar Azmi, Khairil Anuar dan penyanyi wanita indie yang sedang menempa nama, Yuna, sekali gus menjadikan single terbaru artis muda ini sebagai lagu tema dan judul drama yang boleh dilawati menerusi laman sesawang,

Info Fizo Omar

NAMA SEBENAR: Wan Hafizol Wan Omar

TARIKH LAHIR: 19 Julai 1985

ASAL: Kota Bharu, Kelantan

DARAH CAMPURAN: Ayah (Melayu) dan ibu (Siam, Arab)

KELUARGA: Anak kedua daripada empat beradik

PENDIDIKAN: Diploma Kejuruteraan Awam, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Arau, Perlis

PENCAPAIAN: Tempat kedua, Hero Remaja 2007/2008 dan Top 5, Artis Baru Lelaki Popular, Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian (ABPBH) 2008

DRAMA: Puteri Salju, Gadis Merah Jambu, Dendam, Keliru, Bisikan Subuh, Bio-Nik, La Dolce Amira, Matahari dan Cinta Sempurna


KOMERSIAL: Celcom, Brylcream, Giant dan Myeg

Info Tunku Tiara

NAMA PENUH: YM Tunku Tiara Yasmin Sofia Tunku Hassan


TARIKH LAHIR: 28 Disember 1987

ASAL: Johor Bahru, Johor

DARAH CAMPURAN: Ayah (Melayu, British) dan ibu (Bugis, Jawa)

KELUARGA: Anak ketiga daripada empat beradik

PENDIDIKAN: Sekolah Menengah Perempuan Sultan Ibrahim, Johor Bahru

PENCAPAIAN: Top 10, Siti Nurhaliza Mencari Bintang Pantene dan Top 10, One In A Million musim kedua (OIAM2)

DRAMA: Nur 2 (drama pertama), Raya Sedondon, Kerana Karina 2 & 3, Lolaq, Sadis, Keliru, Ranjau Berduri, Gadis Cuci The Series dan Cinta Sempurna

SYARIKAT: Quiara One Production yang diurus oleh ibunya, Zuraida Selamat (kakak penyanyi popular, Syafinaz Selamat)

Solekan Fizo: Awie BB (012 354 2055)

Pakaian Fizo: Lord’s Tailor

Pakaian Tiara: Koleksi peribadi

Bintang Pop

Farrow's Brother Killed Himself

18 Jun

CASTLETON (Vermont) – ACTRESS Mia Farrow’s brother, a sculptor, killed himself at his art gallery in Vermont, state police and a spokeswoman for the actress said on Wednesday.

Patrick Farrow, 66, died of a single gunshot wound to the head late on Monday night in his studio, a converted church, authorities said.

Farrow and his wife, Susan, regularly walked along the main thoroughfare in Castleton, a central Vermont town of about 4,300 not far from the New York border.

Police had initially classified Farrow’s death as suspicious, but later said the medical examiner’s ruling of suicide was consistent with evidence found at the scene.

Patrick and Mia Farrow are the children of director John Farrow and actress Maureen O’Sullivan.

Mia Farrow’s movie credits include ‘Rosemary’s Baby,’ ‘Hannah and Her Sisters’ and ‘Crimes and Misdemeanours.’

‘The family of Patrick Farrow is grieving the tragic loss of their beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle who sadly chose to take his own life,’ said Mia Farrow’s manager, Laura Berwick.

‘They greatly appreciate the support of their friends during this difficult time.’

Farrow was a professional sculptor for more than 35 years. The Web site for the Farrow Gallery says it sells jewellery and mixed-media works of art. The gallery was quiet on Wednesday. — AP

Straits Times

Ann Kok Taken Aback By 'Touch Test'

18 Jun

Ann Kok taken aback by ‘touch test’
TV host prods her breasts to see if they’re real because of rumours about implants
By Gan Ling Kai
June 18, 2009

LOCAL actress Ann Kok sat on the couch, ready to field questions about her family.

IT’S NOT ABOUT THE DRESS: Ann reacting during the recording of CelebriTEA Break, and shedding her girl-next-door image at the Star Awards 1996 by wearing a sexy top. PICTURES: MEDIACORP, TNP FILE TNP DESIGN: PRADIP KUMAR SIKDAR PICTURES: SONY PICTURES, MEDIACORP

But halfway through the recording of Channel U talk show CelebriTEA Break II, host Quan Yifeng suddenly asked to touch her breasts.

Ann was shocked but allowed Yifeng to prod her chest, while fully clothed, of course.

This episode of the talk show was filmed more than two months ago, and is one in the series of provocative celebrity interviews viewers will see since the talk show started its second season run on 10 Jun.

The series is aired every Wednesday night.

The episode featuring Ann, 36, will be aired next month.

During the recording, Ann was talking about her family and career path.

Halfway through, one of Ann’s friends, Mr Chen Wencong, 36, a MediaCorp scriptwriter and fellow Star Search finalist with Ann in 1993, was invited by the producers on the set.

He recounted how he was often asked by others whether the voluptuous actress has had breast enlargement.

Yifeng then spontaneously volunteered to solve this ‘mystery’ by conducting a ‘touch test’.

When contacted, Ann told The New Paper that initially, she was shocked.

‘But I wasn’t offended. It’s just to create an entertainment effect after all.’

In a separate interview, Yifeng, 35, said the test wasn’t scripted for the show.

‘We were just reacting to the flow of the conversation in the programme.

‘Although the director roughly told us what we can talk about, there are no limits set on the questions we can raise.’

She added that she was not worried that Ann would be offended, because ‘it was done in a relaxed atmosphere’.

Yifeng said although tough questions may be asked during the show, it’s up to the celebrity guest to decide how to react.

There’s no pressure to respond in any particular way. (See report right.)

And the verdict of the ‘touch test’?

Said Yifeng, with a laugh: ‘They (Ann’s breasts) are soft and must be real!’

Tyra moment

So how did Ann feel about her Tyra Banks moment?

In September 2005, the American model underwent a televised sonogram on her talk show to prove that her breasts were not fake, after rumours that she has had a boob job.

Ann said she was ‘ok, and not upset’ by people regularly speculating whether she’s gone under the knife.

But she insists she doesn’t enjoy being seen as a sex symbol.

Her voluptuous figure became a hot talking point ever since she attended the 1996 Star Awards in a peek-a-boo blouse and black bra top.

In 2004, she was voted as one of the 10 sexiest women in the world by the Singapore version of men’s magazine FHM in its annual survey, beating Jamie Yeo, Paris Hilton and Karen Mok.

And even though she played a mother of one and housewife on her last drama, Housewives’ Holiday, the episode where Ann donned a sexy bikini hit a ratings high of 977,000 viewers.

Yet, the 1.62m actress who weighs 42kg, said: ‘I don’t mind being seen as sexy, but not as a sex symbol.


‘Being sexy is not just about dressing provocatively, but also about exuding charisma.’

To her, if she’s seen as sexy, ‘that’s just a bonus’.

But above all, she wants to be recognised for her hard work in acting.

Is she concerned that this episode will return attention to her chest again?

Said Ann: ‘I don’t think that will happen.

‘Back in 1996, people were more conservative (towards dressing). But 13 years later, audiences have matured.’

Ann said there were no hard feelings towards the talk show and its hosts.

She said: ‘The show allows audiences to know more about the artistes.

‘And it gives the artistes an opportunity to share what’s in their hearts.’

Ann, who is single, isn’t just cool over talk about her figure.

She was equally cool when asked about speculation over her love life.

Shin Min Daily News reported last week that netizens claimed they saw the actress holding hands with up-and-coming actor Dai Yangtian at a supermarket.

Ann confirmed with The New Paper she had been shopping with the 25-year-old actor in Cold Storage at Cluny Court.

But she denied they were holding hands or that they are in a relationship.

Is she bothered by the talk of her snagging a younger man?

Said Ann, laughing: ‘I’m okay, I won’t be concerned about how others perceive (her love life).

‘There’s no need to hide. I’m not committing a crime.

‘I’m not the type that will avoid him (Yangtian) just because of this. We are still friends.’

But when pressed if she’d consider dating The Little Nyonya star, she demurred: ‘I don’t know. I’m a girl after all, so I don’t think of such questions.

‘We are just in the mood of being friends.’

But she admitted that Yangtian is ‘not bad’ and that he’s ‘mature and good-looking’.

She added: ‘As a friend, he’s also very sincere and gentlemanly.’

She said she didn’t think their 11-year age gap would hinder the possiblity of a relationship.

When contacted by The New Paper, Yangtian, too, remained coy, saying: ‘It all depends on fate.’

He also didn’t rule out the possibility of a future romance with Ann.

But he insisted that right now, she is just one of his two close female buddies in showbiz – the other being actress Felicia Chin.


The NewPaper


14 Jun

HK actress Nancy Wu ‘likes’, ‘clicks with’ stars but won’t reveal whom she really loves
By Tan Kee Yun
June 14, 2009

SLENDER Nancy Wu might not have the liver capacity to gulp down a half-yard of beer in a single sitting.

HER MEN? (Above) Nancy, (below to bottom) Nathan and Kenneth. Ex-boyfriend Deep appeared with Nancy in his music video.

But there’s one thing she definitely doesn’t lack in her life – men.

The 27-year-old Hong Kong actress was in town last weekend, along with fellow TVB stars Kevin Cheng and Myolie Wu, to attend the finals of Beds Beer Battle 2009.

Held at Beds KTV Pub, the event was a competition to discover the fastest beer drinker in Singapore.

She watched in amazement as contestants effortlessly washed down beer at breakneck speed.

After the event, as the doe-eyed beauty sipped gracefully on champagne – clearly her preferred drink – with her colleagues, The New Paper took the chance to quiz her about recent rumours surrounding two male celebrities.

Yes, we’re talking about not one, but two men.

The first is boyish South Korean singer-actor Nathan Lee, 25, member of boyband TAKE and part of the cast of A Starry Night, the new subway drama slated to be screened at train stations in Singapore and China later this year.


Nathan and Nancy were dance partners in the second season of reality talent show Strictly Come Dancing, the Asian version of Hollywood’s Dancing With The Stars.

Their chemistry was undeniable as the pair waltzed, tango-ed and rhumba-ed their way to third prize in the competition, even scoring full marks on two occasions.

Nancy had no qualms about heaping praise on him.

‘I must say Nathan is indeed the best partner I’ve had at work so far,’ said Nancy with a grin.

‘It must be fate’s arrangement that we got to dance together on the show.

‘Somehow, we just clicked very well and were able to communicate with ease.

‘I give him a full 100 marks for his dedication and commitment.’

As for Nathan’s confession of love for her during an interview, she laughed and admitted that she initially found his affection ‘odd’, but eventually didn’t think too much about what he said.

‘He grew up in America and therefore is more Westernised and direct in his behaviour,’ she said.

‘We spent two months on the show and saw each other literally every day, so it’s inevitable that we became close as friends.

‘He’s now pursuing his career in mainland China, I do hope he comes back to Hong Kong some time though!’

Another of her rumoured beaus is goofy-looking 35-year-old fellow TVB actor Kenneth Ma.

The Hong Kong media is rife with reports that the two got to know each other on Strictly Come Dancing.

According to reports, ‘sparks flew despite them being on different teams’ and they have ‘already been secretly dating for nearly a year’.

‘Ahh, it’s pure gossip, we are just very good friends,’ was Nancy’s calm reply.

She said, however, that Kenneth’s ‘down-to-earth disposition’ was one of his most attractive traits.

‘Who doesn’t like a man who is grounded and practical?’

Then, with a sigh, she added: ‘These days, good guys are really hard to come by.’


Perhaps her decision to remain tight-lipped on her personal life had to do with her previous relationship, which was exposed by the paparazzi.

In February 2006, she was caught on camera shopping for groceries in matching attire with Hong Kong singer Deep Ng. The 25-year-old had his arm wrapped around her shoulders.

Prior to that, Nancy had starred in Deep’s music video for his ballad, Third Party, in which she shared an intimate scene with him.

Following the release of the pictures, Deep confessed to the Hong Kong media that they were an item.

However, the couple’s relationship soon ran its course and they split up a few months later.

While it’s hush-hush on her part about her current relationship status, she was all-smiles when the topic veered to her increasing popularity.

Local fans with placards sporting her name were seen stationed outside Beds KTV as they patiently waited for her arrival at the Beer Battle event, which was by invitation only.

Last December, she bagged the Most Improved Actress award at TVB’s 41st Anniversary Awards, a sign that she had finally hit the big time after eight years in the television industry.

‘It’s great that my efforts have been recognised,’ said Nancy.

‘I’ve been very lucky too, to get the challenging part in (period drama) The Silver Chamber Of Sorrows where I got to play the fourth wife of veteran actor Paul Chun.

‘The character I portrayed in it was a vivacious hostess who spent much of her rough life in seedy nightclubs. It was definitely a refreshing change for me, as well as for my fans who have followed my career all this while.’

The Silver Chamber Of Sorrows is currently showing on VV Drama (Ch 55) on weekdays at 9pm.

HK hunk envies S’pore actor’s wedded bliss

HE is widely considered to be one of Hong Kong television’s most handsome hunks.

LIGHTEN UP: Kevin is ready for a lighthearted role. –PICTURES: LIVE! STUDIOS MIKE HOI, STARHUB

But Kevin Cheng feels that his good pal, Singaporean actor and host Ben Yeo is so much luckier.

That is, when it comes to love.

‘I believe in fate and Ben’s really lucky to be able to find someone who can be his love for life,’ the 39-year old actor told The New Paper.

Ben became a first-time father in May this year, and his son Javier’s godfather is none other than Kevin. Does witnessing his buddy’s bliss make him feel like settling down?

‘I’d love to, but you can’t rush things like that,’ he said with a chuckle, adding that some people are fortunate enough to find the right one, while ‘others spend their whole lives searching’. He said he preferred to just let nature take its course.

The bachelor had been previously linked to TVB actresses Niki Chow, 29, and recently, Charmaine Sheh, 34, his co-star in detective series Forensic Heroes II.

Kevin has never admitted to either relationship outright.

While it took a lighthearted drama, Under The Canopy Of Love, to propel him to stardom (he won Best Actor at the 2006 TVB Anniversary Awards for his role in that series), he said he always relishes new challenges.

‘I’ve done several intense, dramatic roles, like in The Ultimate Crime Fighter (where he plays a disturbed, bisexual murderer) and Last One Standing (where he plays an ex-convict) and loved them.

‘But after doing a string of such characters, I hope for a change and to do something different, like a swordfighting drama or a laugh-out-loud comedy.’

Kevin is currently filming the period drama Iron Horse Seeking Bridge, which also stars rumoured couple Kenneth Ma and Nancy Wu.


The NewPaper


8 Jun

These bloggers reveal themselves (almost) for the public, yet put up with the flak and flames
By Elysa Chen
June 08, 2009

ONE WOMAN, dressed in leopard-print lingerie, straddles a chair.

Another, clad in a red thong and bra, is perched on a toilet bowl.

Both are among some 50 aspiring models and bloggers vying for the Best Modeling Blog at this year’s Singapore Blog Awards, which is into its second year.

With their suggestive pictures and provocative poses, these bloggers have turned up the heat in the competition organised by Chinese news-and-entertainment web portal omy.

The Best Modeling Blog category is newly created this year due to the ‘overwhelming response’ last year and the ‘trend of bloggers who like to share their modeling photos’, MsLee Kuan Fung, 40, omy’s associate editor told The New Paper on Sunday.

We speak to four of the nominated bloggers and find out what makes them sizzle.

Nomination and registration for the Blogging Awards close today . Voting will start today and end in July. Results will be announced in August.

For details, visit



Naomi Liu, 24, freelance model.


SHE’S sitting on a toilet bowl, looking suggestively at the camera, clad in nothing more than a red thong and bra.

That’s the first picture you see when you visit Naomi Liu’s blog.

Under her profile, where there is another picture of her in white lace lingerie, she issues a stern warning to visitors: ‘Respect my blog, bcos its not urs love me,hate me,u decide. (sic) watever u say doesn’t matter i have an attitude but who cares (sic).’

But the 1.65m-tall, doe-eyed model, who has been featured in Playeur and FHM, is anything but fiery in person.

‘People have called me ‘bitch’ and ‘slut’,’ MissLiu said.

‘But it’s like that. I’m not angry with those who call me names. I think I’m just someone who does not flare up easily.’

Her blog, which attracts 10,000 hits daily, even has a counter so she can find out how many of her visitors are her ‘haters’.

Almost 20 per cent, she revealed. But she keeps on blogging because of the encouragement she gets from her fans and friends, she added.

‘I thought of quitting blogging when the negative comments first came. But my friends and relatives said that if I stopped, I’d only seem as though I was really a slut,’ she said.

‘So, to prove that I’m not doing anything wrong, I’ll continue blogging. It’s not as if I’m putting up nude or topless pictures of myself.’

When she gets flamed by netizens, she laughs it off with fellow blogger and best friend, Gui Xuesha.

Miss Liu said that putting up sexy pictures of herself on her blog has also invited advances from men. Miss Liu claims that some people downloaded her pictures and used them to set up fake Facebook and Friendster accounts.

‘For now, I’ll just try to ignore those websites and e-mails from strangers, and have a good laugh!’ she said.


Miss Chanel Poh, 19, freelance model and part-time waitress. Blog:

MESS with this blogger and you risk incurring the wrath of her friends.

Miss Poh, who often posts pictures of her lingerie shoots on her blog, claimed that many netizens have posted links to her blog on forums like

‘Sometimes, on these forums, people will criticise me saying I’m ugly, or that I’m buay hiao bai (shameless in Hokkien). But my friends will fight for me,’ she said.

Whenever there are negative comments on her blog or in forums, her friends – comprising largely of fellow models – will respond to the comments and defend her.

She said: ‘I started this blog for friends to catch up with what’s going on in my life.’

She said she hates being judged by people who don’t know her. ‘But I’ve learnt how to ignore them and just delete their comments,’ she said.

Men have also offered her money for sex, she claimed. But she is unfazed.

Said Miss Poh, who has been a model for more than a year: ‘I’m already used to it. I normally just act blur and don’t reply to their e-mails.’

But she has previously been conned into giving out her number. Men have e-mailed her and pretended to be from modelling agencies so they could get her handphone number, she claimed.

‘They called and asked me to chat with them. Then I realised they weren’t really from a modelling agency.’


Zoe Raymond, 20, marketing student at Singapore Institute of Management


SHE’S not just a pretty face.

This enterprising young woman, who started modelling three years ago, is now also an agent for up to 50 aspiring models.

For the past year, she has been managing the girls’ portfolios and introducing modelling jobs to them. She gets a sweet 20 per cent cut of their earnings.

It started when her blog got popular more than a year ago, and young women e-mailed her for advice and help to get into the modelling industry.

But it has not always been smooth sailing for the 1.63m-tall beauty, who weighs 44kg.

When she first started posting her pictures online, she said she received comments from people who said she had ‘super fat thighs’, mocked her uneven teeth, and wondered how she got picked for modelling jobs.

Every day, as many as 10 men send her friend requests on Facebook with ‘lousy pickup lines’.

She also came across a website which used her picture for a chatline, she added. But she has learnt to ignore these messages and has contacted the site’s webmaster to remove her picture.

Despite the unwanted attention, she does not feel the need to be more careful about what she puts up on her blog – which gets 900 hits a day.

‘I don’t have to be more careful because people know who I am, and they know that I do not offer such services,’ she explained.


Luqman Nurhaqim Idham, 20, third- year student at Republic Polytechnic


PART-time model Luqman Nurhaqim – or Luke as he prefers to be called – dons short skirts and stockings for his photoshoots.

He wants to make a ‘statement about androgyny’ through his blog.

He has been blogging for about a year, and posts pictures of himself cross-dressing on his blog, Making The Model: Luke Idham.

The small-built student with shoulder-length hair and a full pout said: ‘I like expressing myself by dressing up, I think I’m the Agyness Deyn of Singapore.’

Deyn is an English supermodel famous for her androgynous look.

But Luke, who said he has modelled for salon chain Toni & Guy, was quick to clarify: ‘I’m not a transsexual. But girls I’ve liked have rejected me because I look so feminine.’

He was nominated for the Blog Awards by a friend.

He said: ‘I know I’m inviting people to comment on my life and my dressing by having a blog, and even taking part in this competition.’

But his blog ‘draws more support than flak’, he said.

‘Many people have told me that they like my work, and I’ve even got some job offers through my blog.

‘It’s like I’m walking on a runway every day. Even if they whisper and point at me behind my back, I’ll just treat it as though they are envious of me.’

The NewPaper

Beraksi Di Pentas Dunia

7 Jun


KENANGAN membuat persembahan di Festival Muzik Musim Bunga Shanghai 2009 baru-baru ini menjadi pengalaman sangat bernilai kepada sekumpulan anak muda yang menggelar diri mereka ‘Floor Fever’ dan memperjuangkan seni tari dinamakan Urban Dance.

Walaupun sudah biasa beraksi di pentas besar, kebanyakannya di dalam negara. Oleh itu, hadir di festival berkenaan memberi kelebihan kerana dapat bertemu ramai kaki seni bertaraf penghibur.

Kesempatan menjejakkan kaki ke festival itu yang berlangsung pada penghujung April lalu, anggota Floor Fever bergabung dengan Kuala Lumpur Drumline Corporation (KLDC) mengadakan persembahan selama tiga hari.

Presiden Floor Fever, Muhammad Nazir Fadzil, 25, atau Boojae, berkata mereka mengadakan persembahan pada majlis pembukaan di Stadium Jiangwan, karnival muzik di Stadium South, Universiti Fudan dan majlis penutup di Stadium Tertutup Zhengda.



Menurutnya, Floor Fever berangkat ke Shanghai di bawah nama KLDC selepas menerima jemputan untuk mengadakan persembahan sempena karnival selama tiga hari itu.

“Ia karnival bagi persembahan orkestra seperti marching band, kumpulan muzik tradisional yang disertai pemuzik dari beberapa negara termasuk Korea, Sepanyol dan beberapa kumpulan muzik beberapa wilayah di China.

“Kami sempat berkongsi tips untuk persembahan dan mendapat banyak idea untuk diadaptasikan dalam persembahan kami pada masa akan datang,” katanya.

Floor Fever yang diasaskan pada 2000 berpaksikan tarian Urban Dance yang menggabungkan hip-hop, bboying, jazz, moden, kontemporari, muzikal teater dengan sedikit sentuhan gaya street dance.

Selain Boojae, anggota lain kumpulan itu ialah Idzwan Alfie Irfan (Booney), Hazmi Khalib (Flip), Sharil Shamsudin (Boochux), Saiful Nizam (Suicide4), Nadiha Mohammad (Nadiha), Nadiah Farehan (Na), Faizal Rashidi (Dome) dan Dennis Yin (Dennis) yang masih berusia belasan tahun dan awal 20-an.

Sebenarnya, Floor Fever bukan nama asing dalam dunia muzik tempatan dalam negara kerana mereka sering mengiringi persembahan artis ternama tanah air.

Antara artis yang pernah mereka iringi adalah Siti Nurhaliza, Shazzy, Ning Baizura, Nabil (Mentor), Dina (One in Million), Nita (Malaysian Idol), Joe Flizzow, Plowtron, Ruffedge, VE, Hazami, Cheryl Samad, Too Phat, KRU, Ahli Fiqir, Pop Shuvit dan The Fabulous Cats.

Bakat mereka turut ditampilkan melalui persembahan dalam teater muzikal seperti Impak Maksima The Musical, iklan dan klip video.

Namun, kegemilangan yang mereka kecapi kini bukan datang bergolek kerana pernah dianggap sebagai sampah masyarakat apabila menjadikan kaki lima sebagai gelanggang mempamerkan bakat, selain dilemparkan pelbagai tohmahan kerana didakwa terlalu mengikut budaya Barat.

“Semua tuduhan itu tidak melemahkan semangat, malah kami semakin kental untuk membuktikan keupayaan sehingga sampai ke tahap ini,” kata Boojae.

Kini, kegigihan Floor Fever tidak sia-sia apabila bakat mereka diiktiraf. Dari kaki lima dan lorong belakang, kumpulan anak muda ini kini mampu beraksi di pentas dunia.

Lebih membanggakan, Jabatan Belia dan Sukan melalui Rakan Muda ‘mengambil’ Floor Fever dan diberi ruang dan kemudahan secukup untuk anak muda yang berminat berlatih secara lebih sistematik supaya tidak lagi menjadi bahan tohmahan.

Dengan adanya ruang yang disediakan di Kompleks Sukan Rakan Muda Wilayah Persekutuan di Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur, mereka tidak lagi dipandang serong, malah bakat dan kemahiran terbukti berkemampuan diketengahkan.

Studio yang disediakan di kompleks berkenaan juga membuatkan mereka lebih ‘profesional’ untuk mengasah bakat masing-masing untuk merealisasikan bahawa aksi mereka di kaki lima sebelum ini tidak sia-sia dan kini boleh dijadikan kerjaya serta mampu memberi pendapatan.

Boojae berkata, sokongan Jabatan Belia dan Sukan itu sungguh bermakna kerana ia sekali gus membuktikan Foor Fever ‘bersih’ atau tidak terbabit dengan gejala tidak sihat sebagaimana ditohmah segelintir pihak.

“Kami sentiasa mengelak terjebak dengan perkara tidak sihat, malah gerak tari kami juga bukan 100 peratus diceduk dari Barat.

“Pakaian juga kami sesuaikan dengan budaya Timur kerana tidak mahu jati diri sebagai anak Malaysia terhakis walaupun berkecimpung dalam seni budaya yang dibawa dari Barat,” katanya.


> D’Pentas Concert Karnival Jom Heboh 2005
> Ambang 2006 Dataran Merdeka Kuala Lumpur
> Anugerah Industri Muzik (AIM) 2006
> Ikon Malaysia Astro
> TM Urban Live Sunway Pyramid & One Utama
> Anugerah Bintang Popular 2006
> Anugerah Juara Lagu 2006
> Anugerah Planet Muzik (APM) 2006 di Singapura
> MTV Asia Award
> Krisdayanti Show Jakarta
> Agnes Monica Concert Surabaya
> Hip Hop Underground Gig Taiwan
> Hip Hop Fest Singapore
> Adidas Show Zouk Kuala Lumpur
> Nike Show Bukit Bintang Kuala Lumpur
> Indonesia Tour bersama Joe Flizzow (Jakarta, Bali, Malang, Medan, Surabaya, Bandung, Marang dan Aceh)

PROGRAM TV/ Komersial / Video Klip
> Adam (Joget Lambak)
> Nabil (Hey Emma)
> Phlowtron (Adikku Pandai Menari)
> Nikki (Caramu)
> Ruffedge (Da Bomb dan Lemas)
> Poetic Ammo (Show Me The Money)
> Hotlink Push-To-Talk, Singapura
> X-Pax Celcom
> Adidas

> National Hip Hop Challenge (Juara)
> Malaysian Breakdance Championship (Ketiga)
> KL International Dance Championship (Kedua)
> Battle Of The Year Malaysia (Ketiga)

Harian Metro